Unhappy or Anxious About Going To Work?

Exploring what’s behind your unhappiness or unease gives you knowledge on how to address the situation and to change it in the short term and longer term.

Stuck in a career rut? Women in business here is what you can do

Three Signs You're Stuck in a Career Rut and How to Get Unstuck

Most of us have experienced feeling stuck in a career rut at some point, but what can we do about it? Today, I’m going to discuss three signs that indicate you might be stuck in a career rut, and more importantly, what you can do to start feeling excited and engaged about your work again.

1. Monday Morning Dread

The first sign, and probably the most obvious one, is Monday morning dread. I’m not just talking about wishing the weekend was longer—most of us feel that way. I’m referring to the anxiety and sick feeling you get when you think about going to work on Monday. If this sounds familiar, take a moment to reflect on what’s behind that Monday dread. Is it the work itself? Is it the people? Is it the environment? What exactly is triggering this feeling of dread?

Once you identify what’s causing these feelings, you can start making changes. Understanding the root of your Monday morning dread is the first step towards moving forward and finding enjoyment in your work again.

2. Lack of Challenge and Growth

The second sign is related to the work itself. Are you finding that your work no longer challenges you? Is it becoming boring, repetitive, and monotonous? Essentially, are you no longer developing or learning anything new? If this resonates with you, think back to the last time you felt excited and engaged in your work. Was it a few weeks ago, a few months ago, years ago, or perhaps never?

If it's never, maybe it’s time to consider a completely different field of work. Reflecting on when you last felt excited can give you insight into what truly engages you. From there, consider how you can bring that excitement back into your current job. Are there new skills you can develop, new responsibilities you can take on, or new projects you can get involved with? These are ways to move forward and regain a sense of challenge and growth in your career.

3. Constant Daydreaming

The third sign is daydreaming. Is your mind constantly wandering to different places, anywhere but your current job? Are you fantasising about changing jobs, starting your own business, or simply being somewhere completely different—like relaxing on a beach?

Think about what excites you about these daydreams. If you’re thinking about a new job, what kind of roles are you looking at, and what excites you about them? If you’re dreaming of being somewhere else, like on a beach, what is it about that scenario that appeals to you, and what do you see yourself doing there? Exploring these ideas more deeply can help you understand what your mind and heart are guiding you towards, providing you with a clearer picture of the future you desire.

So, those are the three signs that you’re stuck in a career rut: Monday morning dread, feeling unchallenged, and spending a lot of time daydreaming. If any of these points resonate with you and you want to get unstuck, start by making just one change.

Whether you identified with one of these signs or all of them, pick one thing to change. If you work for someone else, speak to your boss about taking on more responsibilities or learning something new. Find out where opportunities lie. If you dread going to work because of the people, consider whether you could work in a different team or with different colleagues. What changes can you make to put yourself in a different environment where you feel happier?

Start with one change. These small steps can lead to bigger leaps. Once you decide on one thing you want to change, you can start thinking about the bigger picture and what you want in the long term.

If you’d like help with any of this, I’m more than happy to support you—just book a discovery call. And if you want more tips, don’t forget to subscribe. I'll see you again soon!

I am Sabrina Qua and I help women gain clarity on their purpose and build the courage to pursue the life they truly desire. Whether you're considering a career change, dreaming of new adventures, starting a business or simply seeking more fulfilment and balance, I'm here to guide you on your journey.

If you’re ready to take bold steps towards a more fulfilling life or career, let’s chat now.


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