Career Change Fear of Failure?

Are you fed up with your current work situation, but as soon as you think about change or starting your own business, you are filled with fear?

This is totally normal. We just need to address the way you deal with that fear and what’s behind it.

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Have you ever dreamt about leaving your job to start a business of your own?

Do you doubt yourself? What exactly is it about that doubt? Is it your perceived inability to make it work, or perhaps a fear of failure? Today, I’m going to discuss why we shouldn’t let our fear of failure stop us from pursuing our dreams.

I’m Sabrina Qua, and I specialise in helping ambitious mid-career women who feel stuck in demanding and unfulfilling jobs find clarity and confidence. I empower them to turn their business ideas and lifestyle dreams into reality so they can regain control of their time and feel happier and more excited about life.

It’s natural to experience fear when embarking on a significant change like starting your own business. However, I take issue with the concept of "failure" and the negative stigma around it. There’s a famous quote by Thomas Edison that resonates with me: "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." This mindset is crucial for anyone starting or running a business—you learn from mistakes and continuously improve.

When you think about your future and the dream of starting a business, what consumes your thoughts? Are you focusing on potential pitfalls, or are you imagining the possibilities and opportunities that could arise from taking the leap? Consider what you might miss out on if you let fear hold you back—freedom, flexibility in how you live, personal development, and the satisfaction of pursuing your dreams.

What exactly is failure, anyway? It’s a term that varies widely in meaning from person to person. Understanding how you define failure and why that definition impedes your progress is crucial. When I started my business as a personal trainer, I could have defined failure as not attracting any clients initially. Instead, I viewed every challenge as a learning opportunity, refusing to accept failure as an option.

Some common reasons people cite for potential failure include entering a new industry without sufficient knowledge or not earning enough money early on. These are valid concerns, but they shouldn’t be insurmountable barriers. Investing in education and planning for a transitional period can mitigate these risks.

Testing your business idea before fully committing can also reduce uncertainty and minimise financial risks. Conduct thorough research, understand your target audience, and validate your concept before launching. You might even start as a side hustle to gauge market interest and refine your offering.

Starting a business is a journey filled with uncertainties and lessons. Embrace the process and focus on the excitement and fulfilment it can bring. We only live once—why not take the risk and pursue something you’re passionate about? Remember, failure is not an endpoint but part of the learning curve towards success.

I hope this perspective on failure encourages you to rethink how you approach your dreams. If you’re ready to take the next step, consider subscribing for more insights and guidance on your entrepreneurial journey.

I am Sabrina Qua and I help women gain clarity on their purpose and build the courage to pursue the life they truly desire. Whether you're considering a career change, dreaming of new adventures, starting a business or simply seeking more fulfilment and balance, I'm here to guide you on your journey.


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