Finding My Passion, Discovering My Purpose.

My Personal Growth Journey

Hi There, I’m Sabrina

Having felt stuck and trapped in an unfulfilling career for many years, I know exactly how frustrating that can be. But it wasn’t just about work, I wasn’t living my life on my terms and that was the problem.

I worked in the charity and not for profit sector for over 14 years. I liked that I was working in organisations that helped others, however I didn’t enjoy the bureaucracy and I felt something was missing. This wasn’t my life calling.

The problem is, I didn’t know what I actually wanted. Did I want to live and work abroad? A part of me has always yearned for this. Did I want to work in another sector? Did I need a more challenging environment? Did I want to work for myself? A part of me was very drawn to this. I just didn’t have any certainty. I was so out of sync with my own needs, I felt trapped and lost.

Overwhelmed with my lack of clarity, I did nothing for years.

Being Curious

After much agonising, I eventually took the leap, starting with scratching the itch of living and working abroad. I enrolled on a short term volunteering project in Sri Lanka where I acted as a consultant to a sustainable fashion start up.

This was in no way an easy decision, I had financial responsibilities and I was giving up a good salary, but it was a change that had to happen.

It was an opportunity to explore my desire to live abroad, whilst using my skills in a different context as I am far from a fashionista!

This is where I started my journey of self development. Living with a group of other volunteers, I learnt that I wasn’t the only one who felt lost or trapped in the lives we had created. The volunteering placement introduced me to coaching which included a fire walk! I probably learnt more about myself over those 3 months than the past 30+ years.

A journey of self discovery

On returning to the UK, jobless, it was time for a fresh start. An opportunity to build a life on my terms, so I fulfilled my dream of becoming a Personal Trainer. It was something I’d toyed with for years even though I wasn’t much of a gym bunny.

Helping people with body transformations didn’t interest me, but I did enjoy the instructing aspect. I enjoy teaching people the nitty gritty of movements involved in each exercise, which led me into creating a business for a mid life audience who were new or returning to exercise. This group often came with various aches and pains, which provided an opportunity.

As someone who loves problem solving, I discovered helping people with aches, pains and chronic injuries was the challenge I needed. For the first time in years, I was really excited about the work I was doing and the people I was helping. To enhance the role further, I added soft tissue therapy skills to my repertoire; this really was the icing on the cake.

I love it! My role is fascinating. I love figuring out what’s behind the pain. I enjoy learning the anatomy and physiology. Helping people in despair about their pain is very satisfying. Providing them with the skills to change the way the move and feel is very empowering.

This integrated role I created finally provided me with the connection, challenge and fulfilment I was seeking. I wish I’d found it sooner.

So why am I now offering life and career transition coaching?

Life is short, and I spent too long feeling stuck. I wish I had found my path sooner. I want to help others avoid wasting time so they can find happiness and fulfillment faster.

“When you don’t know what you want, you have to embark on a journey of self discovery. A great way to do that is to be curious, explore and be sure to listen to yourself. ”

-Sabrina Qua

Create The Life You Want To Live

But life isn’t just about the work you do, is it? I get a lot from helping people get their lives back on track, but my personal life is equally important and what I discovered is, life doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And least of all, we shouldn’t be living our lives according to other people’s or societal expectations. I spent way too much of my life being a people pleaser.

Reconnecting with myself and what’s important to me enables me to continuously create a life that truly aligns with who I am.

That part of me that yearns to be abroad now regularly gets its fix through trips filled with adventure and the great outdoors.

These days I have a very clear vision of the future I am creating. I am well and truly in the driving seat.

Clarifying what matters to you opens a clear path. Are you ready to draw a line and explore a future where you’re more in control, more fulfilled, content and have time to spend with those you love.

Are you ready to be the architect of your life?

Lost enthusiasm and motivation for the work you do?

Work is monotonous, demoralising or unfulfilling?

Wondering where the passion went and what you want for your future?

Download the Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose Worksheet to reconnect with what ignites and excites you. The worksheet is designed to be used with AI to achieve even greater clarity, so what are you waiting for?