How Clarity Can Transform Your Life: My Manifesting Story

That sounds a bit of a grandiose title, and although I poke fun at it, I do truly believe clarity can transform your life. Before I go any further, full disclosure, manifesting is a relatively new term for me. I sure as hell didn’t know what manifesting was when I was 8 years old.  I’ve only recently got to grips with it now, however, I do feel it’s something I have been doing for years.  I’ve been manifesting my dreams way before it become trendy.  In fact, I was extremely conscious of not thinking about things I didn’t want because I was convinced they would happen…

Clarity of Vision

When you lack clarity, there’s a feeling of unsettledness and uncertainty. When I lack clarity, I feel lost, like I’m drifting with no purpose. I also feel frustrated because I’ve no idea where I’m heading.  You might feel overwhelmed and anxious. Either way, life is far more fun when you know where you are heading.

I’ve learnt that achieving clarity is an ongoing conscious effort. Clarity can easily become clouded with all the noise that surrounds us, and if you’re easily distracted, need I say more?  Following the steps outlined in the Reflect and Reset guide 3 steps to gaining clarity, helps keep me stay clear and focussed on what I want. 

Dreaming From a Young Age

When I was about 8 years old, whilst visiting relatives in Australia, I remember looking at a picture of the Great Barrier Reef and deciding when I was old enough, I would go SCUBA diving there. It never crossed my mind that I didn’t like swimming in the sea. I just decided that I wanted to dive there.   

During my final year at university, I decided I would take a gap year and travel the world, before I started on the career ladder. I trawled through travel brochures looking for pictures to inspire me.  I stuck pictures up on my walls to keep me motivated. I worked two jobs, 7 days a week for 6 months after I finished uni to fund my world tour.  In January 2002 I left for India.  In October 2002, I dived the Great Barrier Reef and it was FANTASTIC!!  

Turns out sea swimming and diving are completely different; yes, you’re in the sea for both of them but when diving, you’re below the surface.  It’s so much more fascinating below the surface. It’s the waves I don’t like. It’s a good thing I didn’t let my distaste for sea swimming deter me!

I manifested my dream.  Do you have a dream?

Don’t Worry About The ‘What Ifs’    

I learnt to dive in Koh Tao in Thailand.  When I was introduced to my fellow learner diver, he said he’d done a taster session the day before as he wasn’t sure he would like it.  It was only then I realised I’d never considered if I might not like it. Whoops! Too late now.   

Anyway, what could I possibly not like? Apparently some people feel claustrophobic under water….  Turns out I don’t. Phew! That would have been awkward.

When I decided that I would dive the Great Barrier Reef, I didn’t worry about the if’s and buts or hows. I just knew it was something I wanted to do.  When you are clear about what you want, don’t worry about the how you’re going to do it, just stay focussed and you can make it happen.

The Power of Clear Vision

I am extremely goal driven, so having clear vision is highly important.  I had great vision and determination up until my 30s and then it becomes a bit hazy.

My mission had been to get a good education, get on the career ladder, see the world, dive the barrier reef, and find love. I’d have it all. Life would be GREAT!   

By the time I got to 30, I’d achieved all the goals I’d set myself except for find love.  That one seemed to be more elusive and complicated and that’s for another day. So by 30, I more or less had done everything I set out for, so now what? 

5 Years of Drifting, that’s what.

A lack of vision comes from not knowing what you want.  I was really happy with what I achieved, but now had no idea what I wanted to strive for moving forward.  I felt like I got and did everything I wanted, which sounds like a great place to be, but honestly it isn’t, because it feels like life has no purpose!  It’s like driving around with no destination in mind.

When you have clarity of vision, your decisions and the way you act align to get you towards your vision. Without it, you’re on the road to no where. Some people may be ok with living like this but not me… it’s unfulfilling and miserable. 

From Uncertainty to Life With Purpose

After leaving my charity job, I spent some time volunteering in Sri Lanka.  This enabled me to connect with myself and what’s important to me, which enabled me to rediscover my purpose. 

Being able to do work which involves helping people has always been a strong part of me, so when I came back to the UK, my goal was to set up a business where I focussed on helping people directly.  Do you know what your purpose is?

Fast forward to today and my business is about helping people with aches, pains and injuries get fitter and stronger through soft tissue therapy and exercise. I feel fulfilled and content with the work I do and I’ve had the opportunity to radically transform lives, but now I am ready to do even more. 

My New Mission In Life

I’m on a mission to help women who feel stuck in life. You could be at a pivotal time in your life where you are evaluating what’s important to you, you could be extremely dissatisfied with your professional life, you feel like you aren’t making the most of your life, there’s something missing, or you’re overwhelmed by what life is throwing at you and you don’t know how to move forward.

Whatever it is that’s causing you to feel stuck, I want to support and guide you through it.  Knowing who you are and clarity of vision is the most effective way to live an enriching, fulfilling life with purpose, are you ready to reconnect with yourself?

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My name is Sabrina Qua and I am on a mission to empower women to break free from limitations and reconnect with themselves, so they can live lives they are excited about. If you feel like you’ve been living your life on auto pilot and you’re not happy with where you are heading or maybe you’ve just lost your way and life has become a bit of a slog, the good news is you can change this.  

By exploring who you are and what’s important to you, you will become clear on what you want and how you want to live your life. Clarity and vision is the most effective way to creating a fulfilled, joyous life you are excited about. Personal growth requires work, but it can also be so much fun, so I ask you to keep an open mind, be curious and get ready to live your best life.

I welcome you to join me on Facebook Where We Thrive


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