Feeling Lost? How Meditation Can Help You Find Answers and Purpose

lady meditating

Meditation can be described as a mental exercise that trains your mind to focus and create self awareness. It’s an amazing tool in helping you gain clarity, find answers and improve mental and physical health!

Exploring the Connection Between Meditation and Self-Improvement

So, if you’re feeling about meh in life,  drifting with no purpose, frustrated because you don’t know what you want, feel so overwhelmed you don’t even know who you are anymore, meditation is just one tool you can use to reconnect with self.

I love that meditation creates a calming space in my mind.  

Different Types of Meditation Practices

Traditionally, you meditate whilst seated. But these days you can engage in walking meditations… If you’re not sure how to meditate, do a search and you’ll find tonnes of explanations.  

I was first introduced to meditation as part of yoga and similar exercise classes.  I found it easy to focus the mind on the breath at the end of an exercise session; it’s amazing how clear the mind can be after a work out, but on the downside I also found it incredibly easy to nod off during shavasana…. Ooh that relaxing feeling.

These days, I personally regularly practise movement meditation.  I don’t call it that, but ultimately that’s what it is. My focus is purely on the movement and the sensations I feel as I move.  It’s during these sessions my mind is wholly focused on the now and most importantly I’m unlikely to fall asleep. 

How Meditation and Mindful Movement Can Improve Your Physical Health

As a movement coach who helps people with aches, pains and reoccurring injuries, it’s only natural that I have become really connected with how the body moves. 

When people have musculoskeletal pain, it’s usually because of muscular imbalance and dysfunction.  Correcting this requires retraining the correct muscles to fire and engage in the right order.  To do this requires awareness and focus.

I can really feel into what muscles I’m engaging when I’m training mindfully.  To be honest, everyone should be training like this. Too many people go to the gym and pay very little attention to what it is they are using and doing, making their workouts less effective.

Many of the people I meet and work with have very little awareness of how they move or feel. They are so out of touch with their movement, hence dysfunction occurs.

When it comes to improving how someone moves and feels, it requires them to connect with the muscles they are engaging to ensure it’s the right one.  With focus, they can switch off or lessen the activation of the wrong ones, thus improving the brain’s ability to engage the correct muscle going forward.

Cut Out All The Noise

When you are working at this level of movement, your focus cannot be elsewhere. Sure, you are concentrating hard and it’s hardly relaxing, but you’ve cut out all the other noise because you are now hyper focused.  This becomes a more meditative practise when you are working out more generally as opposed to rehabilitative.  You focus inward, on how you move with your breath.  Your mind and body are better connected and physically you learn to move better.      

Trusting Your Inner Wisdom

Being the goal driven person that I am, you won’t be surprised to hear that I like to get something (aside all the normal benefits) from my meditation practise.  When I’m seeking an answer for something I’ve been pondering on, I will pose a question and meditate on it. Because of all the noise, it’s often hard to know if I’m making the right decision but I trust the answer is within.  I just have to create the space to draw it out. I can then use an NLP technique to check for congruence and ensure I’m making the right choice.

Creating Space for Self-Reflection and Growth

Meditation brings many mental and physical health benefits so if you’re feeling lost in life, I invite you to ask yourself “How can I free myself?” and sit quietly for a few minutes and see what comes up for you. 

If this is your first experience of meditating, I’d love to hear what came up for you.  Drop in on Facebook Where We Thrive and tag me.

 My name is Sabrina Qua and I am on a mission to empower women to break free from limitations and reconnect with themselves, so they can live lives they are excited about. If you feel like you’ve been living your life on auto pilot and you’re not happy with where you are heading or maybe you’ve just lost your way and life has become a bit of a slog, the good news is you can change this.  

By exploring who you are and what’s important to you, you will become clear on what you want and how you want to live your life. Clarity and vision is the most effective way to creating a fulfilled, joyous life you are excited about. Personal growth requires work, but it can also be so much fun, so I ask you to keep an open mind, be curious and get ready to live your best life.

I welcome you to join me on Facebook Where We Thrive

If you’d like to gain instant clarity, download your Reflect and Reset Guide – 3 steps to becoming unstuck.


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