Considering An Entrepreneurial Life?

Are you dreaming of leaving your corporate job to become an entrepreneur? Leave behind the bureaucracy, manage your own time and creativity? Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Being an entrepreneur and starting your own business is fabulous and can be very exciting and rewarding, but with all the positives does come challenges and responsibilities.

As one of my goals is to help you turn your business idea into a reality, I thought it useful to give you an insight into some of the challenges and obstacles one faces as an entrepreneur, in this behind the scenes episode.

Transcript added 09/09/24

The Truth About Being an Entrepreneur That Nobody Really Tells You

Today’s video is more of a behind-the-scenes look at my journey as an entrepreneur, and I want to share some of the thoughts I’ve been having this week. If you’re new to business or starting a new venture, this may be of interest to you.

Starting a business can be incredibly difficult. There are so many things you don’t know, and so many things you’ll need to learn along the way. One of the biggest challenges is deciding on your niche, and this has been something I’ve been reflecting on—not just this week, but for the past few weeks or even months. I think I’ve nearly nailed it, but I’m still not entirely happy with it, so I’ve been tweaking it. That’s what inspired me to make this video.

As I’m setting up my coaching business, I know that I can help a variety of people with a range of issues. However, I want to be specific. I want to work with ambitious women who are mid-career. The challenge I’m facing is how to articulate this niche and clarify exactly where I’m guiding these women.

I know I want to help ambitious mid-career women break free from unfulfilling, monotonous, and demanding jobs. I want to support them in turning their business ideas into reality and help them design a lifestyle where they have more freedom and control over their time. Many of these women have multiple demands on their time—they’re working in busy jobs, they may have caring responsibilities for family members, possibly elderly parents. There's a lot of pressure on them. Having that freedom and flexibility would allow them to handle these demands better and also give them the time they need to care for themselves.

Ultimately, I want to help these women feel more confident and in control of the choices they make, so they can create lives where they feel happier and more content. That’s the goal I’m working towards. It’s taken a long time to get to this point, but as I’ve been working through it—and while working with a client who fits this profile—it’s helped me clarify my direction and who I want to work with.

If this resonates with you, if anything I’ve described sounds like you, I’d love to hear from you to confirm that what I’m saying aligns with your experience.

As I mentioned, finding your niche can be quite challenging, but it is a process. I’ve been through it before when I was setting up my health and wellness business. Going from being a personal trainer to someone who helps people with aches, pains, and injuries took a while. It required a lot of experimentation and discovery, and you know what? That’s completely fine. It’s part of the process. You have to learn on the job, and often that’s the best way—because you figure out what you enjoy doing and what you don’t, which ultimately shapes the role you’re creating.

For those who have never done this before, it can feel overwhelming. When that happens, it’s easy to get stuck in your thoughts, having circular conversations with yourself. You might talk yourself out of taking any action, and as a result, you stay stuck in your current situation.

So, if that’s you—if you’re having those endless conversations with yourself and nothing is moving forward, and you’re feeling frustrated and stuck—maybe it’s time to try a different approach.

If anything I’ve said today resonates with you, please subscribe! I’ll be sharing more about my personal challenges, as well as tips on how you can move forward, get unstuck, and move towards where you want to be. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes.

If you have a business idea, or several ideas, but feel stuck and don’t know how to progress, I can help you work out which is the most important to you, so you can start taking confident steps in the right direction. Would you like to find out more?

I am Sabrina Qua and I help ambitious mid-career women who feel stuck in demanding, monotonous, unfulfilling jobs find clarity and confidence to turn their business ideas and lifestyle dreams into reality, so they can feel more in control of their time, happier and excited about life.


Career Change Fear of Failure?


Want to leave your job, but don’t know what you want to do?