Empower Your Next Chapter

A free workshop for mid-career women to find clarity and courage to pursue what you truly desire.

Feel stuck and  frustrated in your career and / or life?

  • You’ve had great professional success, but you’re questioning if this is what you want for your future.

  • You’re juggling multiple responsibilities which leaves you with no time to bring about the change you desire, instead you feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

  • You know you want and need things to change but you’re unclear how to move forward. You’re overwhelmed with where to start, you’ve got too many ideas and you doubt your capability.

Saturday 19 October 2024

12pm on Zoom (2.5hrs)

(recording provided)

This workshop will help you:

  • Gain clarity on how you want to move forward

  • Overcome fears such as self doubt that are holding you back

  • Develop strategies to create a balanced and more fulfilling life

    You’ll leave with an action plan so you take bold steps towards a life that you feel more excited about.

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to start 2025 with clarity?