Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose

Do you feel frustrated with your job, which no longer brings you joy?

Wondering where the passion and enjoyment went? 

Lost sense of who you are and what you want to do next?  

It's easy to get caught up in a job or career, everything seems fine until one day you realise you no longer want to be doing it. You question how you ended up there and, more importantly, how to escape.  This is often where people struggle.

I know I did.

I worked in the charity and not for profit sector for over 14 years. I liked that I was working in organisations that helped others, however I didn’t enjoy the bureaucracy and I felt something was missing. This definitely wasn’t my life calling.

The problem was I didn’t know what I actually wanted. Did I want to live and work abroad? A part of me has always yearned for this.  Did I want to work in another sector? I wasn’t sure. Did I need a more challenging environment? Did I want to work for myself? A part of me was very drawn to this. I just didn’t have any certainty.  I was so out of sync with my own needs, I felt trapped and lost. For me, it wasn’t just about work, I wasn’t living my life on my terms and that was the problem.

Overwhelmed by my lack of clarity, I did nothing for years.

Reconnecting With Passion and Purpose

I always knew my purpose revolved around helping others and building meaningful connections, hence I spent so many years working in the charity sector. But as for my passion and values, It’s been a lengthy discovery process and a bit of a journey.

I’d spent much of my life being a people pleaser, doing things to meet other people’s or society’s expectations. This meant not really needing to think for myself or consider what was important to me. I was pretty much on cruise control to a destination not of my choosing.

The Awakening

Realising I was in the wrong career wasn’t so much a rude awakening but more of a subtle discontent, which eventually grew into an explicit displeasure with my brain shouting “listen, you’ve tried it this way, that way, and the other way; there are no other ways.  You need to get the heck out!

It was right, something had to change. However, I had stayed in my job because I didn’t know what I could do next. I was stuck!

They (people of the internet) said: “Follow Your Passion”

There was a lot of chatter about following your passion; I didn’t feel I knew what I was passionate about or even if I did, how I could use my interests to move me forward, I was so stuck in my head.

Only after making some BIG decisions and engaging in a lot of self discovery was I able to create the business I run today.

I reconnected with my purpose of helping people and blended it with my interest of exercise and fitness, I added in a love of problem solving and voila! I created a business where I help people overcome their aches, pains and chronic injuries.  

The Importance of Knowing What Is Important To You

When you feel lost and unclear about what you are doing and where you are heading, it’s really powerful to reconnect with what is important to you. Knowing your purpose provides you with a reason for living. Clarifying what you are passionate about can re energise and inspire you. Combining your purpose and passion could lead to something amazing.

What’s Your Reason for Being? What Really Ignites You?

If you aren’t sure about your passions or purpose in life, I’ve created this simple Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose worksheet to help reconnect you.  Most people know deep down what their passions and purpose are, they’ve just forgotten over time. 

The worksheet is designed to be used in conjunction with CHAT GPT to provide you with deeper insight into what makes you tick, but can be used as a standalone document.

Are you ready to rediscover what excites and ignites you?

My name is Sabrina Qua and I am on a mission to empower women to live more fulfilling and balanced lives by helping them reconnect with their identity, their dreams and break free from their limitations.

If you feel overwhelmed and anxious because your current life no longer brings you joy but you don’t know what you want, or you don’t know how to get what you want, the good news is you can change this and move forward.  

By exploring who you are and what’s important to you, you will become clear on the direction you need to take. Clarity and vision is the most effective way to creating a life which you find fulfilling and exciting.

Personal growth requires work, but it can also be so much fun, so I ask you to keep an open mind, be curious and get ready to live your best life.


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Career Discontent - Finding Your Path Forward