Career Discontent - Finding Your Path Forward

Entering mid-life, or any major pivotal time for that matter, may have you evaluating your life, your purpose and your job.

Is your job no longer fulfilling you?

Whether you’re bored of the same old repetitive tasks, fed up with the bureaucracy, stifled by lack of creativity, lack connection with those around you or sick of all the work you do and get no personal fulfilment or joy out of it, then I hear you! I’ve been there. I ticked all those boxes.

Work takes up a significant number of hours in your day, so it’s natural to desire change when your needs are no longer being met.

What Can You Do About It?

Establish what exactly it is that is making you feel unhappy. For example, is it the job, the people, the environment, the hours, the location, the company ethics, all of the above? If like me, you ticked all the boxes, then a pretty radical change is required.

Do you know what you want? If you do, excellent!

If you don’t know what you want, refer to your answers in the first question, what changes could you make that would help you feel happier?

Do You Need A Radical Change?

Do you lack a sense of self? No longer sure what your purpose is? Feel lost? seeking something more but don’t know what?

Sounds like it’s time to reconnect with yourself and dedicate some time to self discovery. Get back in touch with who you are, what your interests are, what excites you, and what motivates you.

If I was a betting woman, I’d put money on you already having an inkling on what it is you truly want to do, but you’re choosing not to acknowledge it. So do you know what it is?

Ok, if you truly don’t know, spending time doing things that make you happy will allow you to reconnect with yourself. Also, think about things you enjoyed doing as a child as often those aspects get neglected and may be the key to bringing joy back into your life.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious because you don’t know what you want? Is it a fear of the unknown that is bothering you? Completing the earlier steps should provide some sense of clarity, which removes some of the unknown.

Or are you feeling overwhelmed because there’s just too many things to think about and you’ve no idea how to organise yourself?

Using old fashioned pen and paper can really help in these types of situations. Journaling is great for getting thoughts out of your head. Once all the thoughts are out, you can create lists of things that you have or want to do. You can start organising and prioritising.

Follow What Makes You Happy

By reflecting on what’s important to you and what makes you happy, you can move towards something that is more fulfilling and meaningful.

On that note, being able to help others has always been high on my agenda, so I’m now branching out as a Life and Career Transition Coach. Having completed my NLP Practitioner Coaching Training, I’m in the process of creating an exciting coaching programme that aims to help ambitious women navigate the murky waters of transitioning from an unfulfilling, demanding corporate job towards a passion filled role so they can feel more in control, happier and excited about life.

If this is you or someone you know, then stay tuned….

My name is Sabrina Qua and I am on a mission to empower women to live more fulfilling and balanced lives by helping them reconnect with their identity, their dreams and break free from their limitations.

If you feel overwhelmed and anxious because your current life no longer brings you joy but you don’t know what you want, or you don’t know how to get what you want, the good news is you can change this and move forward.  

By exploring who you are and what’s important to you, you will become clear on the direction you need to take. Clarity and vision is the most effective way to creating a life which you find fulfilling and exciting.

Personal growth requires work, but it can also be so much fun, so I ask you to keep an open mind, be curious and get ready to live your best life.


Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose


Elevate Your Self-Awareness: Effective Communication Techniques for Personal Growth