Why Living in Sync with Your Values Matters

Lady having fun on a swing

When we feel out of sorts, unhappy, frustrated, overwhelmed, unfulfilled, it’s probably because our values aren’t in alignment with our actions.  

What Are Values?

Have you ever asked yourself why you do what you do? Or why did you stop being friends with Y?

Personal values are guiding principles and beliefs that you live your life by. They act like an inner compass, influencing your words, actions and relationships….they also influence the career path your choose and basically how you live your everyday life.  Or at least they should.  

The job you chose to do should relate to or reflect your values in some form or another. If they don’t and you’re dissatisfied with your professional life, read on.

Take a look at your closest friends, do they share some of your values?

When actions aren’t aligned with values and you’re behaving in a manner that doesn’t agree with what you feel is right to you deep down, this may result in you feeling guilty, unhappy, frustrated and unfulfilled.

When your actions and values are in sync, life tends to feel more fulfilling and less stressful. So developing an awareness of your core values is hugely important.

Do You Know Your Values?

If you don’t know what your values are, check out Career Dissatisfaction and What to Do About It where I outline a quick method to come up with your core values.

This is a non exhaustive list of values for inspiration:

  • Peace

  • Justice

  • Curiosity

  • Joy

  • Enthusiasm

  • Dependability

  • Fairness

  • Family

  • Optimism

  • Perseverance

  • Bravery

  • Self-discipline

  • Confidence

  • Freedom

  • Compassion

  • Learning

  • Generosity

  • Humility

  • Loyalty

  • Health

  • Courage

  • Equality

  • Patience

  • Authenticity

  • Humor

  • Knowledge

  • Responsibility

  • Gratitude

  • Determination

  • Integrity

  • Achievement

  • Positivity

  • Mindfulness

  • Wisdom

  • Creativity

  • Contentment

  • Connection

  • Balance

  • Kindness

  • Hope

  • Honesty

  • Empathy

  • Growth

  • Diligence

  • Love

  • Friendship

  • Excellence

  • Calmness

  • Respect

  • Charity

What Happens When Values Are Unmet?

The obvious response is you are unhappy, but what else could occur?

During the pandemic lockdowns, I’m sure many of us felt things we’d never felt before. My issue was frustration with my inability to be creative.  I literally lacked the ability to come up with new ideas for anything.  I knew I had decision fatigue from the constant need to make decisions about what do given the complete change of environment, but lacking ideas was different.

Ideas coming spontaneously is normal for me. During this period, there was just tumbleweed. It was a strange feeling.

One of the key things I missed during the lockdowns was being able to go to the shops and wonder around, browsing.  I knew this was having some form of impact, but how could I get around it?

I decided to get some help from a mindset coach. I can’t remember the details of what we discussed but he recommended I find ways to do things I enjoyed. I basically needed to get my brain to engage in doing something fun and enjoyable.    

At the time I wasn’t really aware how much I valued adventure, fun and freedom.  During the lockdowns I was seriously lacking all three and it showed to the detriment of my creativity. 

As I spent more time outdoors, exploring the local neighbourhood and parks, ideas started to return….phew!  Sure, it wasn’t the same as getting on a plane and exploring a foreign land, which would have been my preferred choice of things to do, but this appeared to satisfy the need.

Identify And Embrace Your Core Values

If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or frustrated with a situation, ask yourself what is it that is creating the negative feeling.  Refer to your values and identify if you are violating any of your values.

Eg you are surrounded by pessimistic, demotivated people whilst you value hard work and achievement.

Whilst it isn’t possible to change other people, you can change yourself and your environment.

eg Can you identify ways to spend less time with these people?

Are there people who share your values that you can spend more time with instead?

When you embrace your core values and start living your life by them, your behaviours, relationships and everyday life will bring you more joy and happiness.

So what are you waiting for?

My name is Sabrina Qua and I am on a mission to empower women to break free from limitations and reconnect with themselves, so they can live lives they are excited about. If you feel like you’ve been living your life on auto pilot and you’re not happy with where you are heading or maybe you’ve just lost your way and life has become a bit of a slog, the good news is you can change this.  

By exploring who you are and what’s important to you, you will become clear on what you want and how you want to live your life. Clarity and vision is the most effective way to creating a fulfilled, joyous life you are excited about. Personal growth requires work, but it can also be so much fun, so I ask you to keep an open mind, be curious and get ready to live your best life.

I welcome you to join me on Facebook Where We Thrive


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