It’s A Big Financial Risk…

“I’ll be stuck in this job forever because I can’t afford to leave”

Is this something that you tell yourself? I know I did; the thought of giving up financial stability, my monthly paycheck, filled me with panic.

Thankfully, my yearning to get out finally became so strong, I had to find a way to make it work. Check out my latest video if you feel like the money situation is what’s holding you back.

Creating a lifestyle and career that better reflects who you are is not easy, and it may feel like there are so many hurdles to jump, but you aren’t alone. By tackling them together, you will develop the confidence to move forward towards a life of your design. You’ll feel so much more prepared. If this is you, make sure you don’t miss any episodes, hit subscribe to my channel.

I am Sabrina Qua and I help ambitious mid-career women navigate their way out of demanding, monotonous, unfulfilling jobs towards careers and lifestyles that better reflect their values and interests, so they can feel more in control, happier and excited about life.


Want to leave your job, but don’t know what you want to do?


What Is Keeping You Stuck in a Career That No Longer Fulfils You?