Lost enthusiasm and motivation for the work you do?

Work is monotonous, demoralising or unfulfilling?

Wondering where the passion went and what you want for your future?

Download the Rediscover Your Passion and Purpose Worksheet to reconnect with what ignites and excites you. The worksheet is designed to be used with AI to achieve even greater clarity, so what are you waiting for?

Life and Career Transition Coaching

Are you in your 30s, 40s or 50s and feel stuck, trapped or lost, with no sense of direction? Perhaps you’re thinking “there’s something missing”?  

You know something has to change, but you’re so overwhelmed by life and your responsibilities, that you just don’t know how to start or where you will find the time.

I know exactly what this feels like because this was me.  

The great news is, you can live any life you choose. You just have to connect with your true self and your vision of your future.

I did it.

I took the leap, leaving behind an unfulfilling career and built a business that truly aligns with my passion for helping others. I love the work I do, helping people stay active and pain free through the use of soft tissue therapy, movement coaching and exercise, but I also love the lifestyle I have created. I feel more connected with the people I work with, I have more freedom and flexibility in how and when I work, and I continue to learn and grow and develop my skills and knowledge in helping others, hence I am now diversifying and offering life and career transition coaching.

What’s your dream?

Do any of these resonate with you?

Are you an ambitious mid-career woman, frustrated with your job and life direction?

Feel overworked, unappreciated and undervalued?

Constantly fighting against pointless policies that hold you back from doing your best work?

Lack freedom to be creative in your role, wish you had more control over your work and time?

Don’t feel like you’re making the most of life because you’re drifting?

Dreaming about a lifestyle and career that is more meaningful to you, but feel stuck because you’re overwhelmed through lack of time and opportunity to think and plan?

Have a business idea and dream of being your own boss, but worried about losing your financial stability and risking everything you have worked for?

Do you want to feel more in control, fulfilled and excited about life?

Clarity, curiosity and vision can lead you towards a life where you feel happier, fulfilled and more balanced.

I can help you:

  • Gain clarity on what’s important to you and your vision of your future

  • Rediscover and reconnect with your passions & purpose

  • Break free from the cycle of negative self talk and inaction, develop resilience and self confidence

  • Establish structure, better manage your time and develop a transition strategy

  • Explore or firm up your business idea

  • Cultivate happiness and confidence about your future.

Are you ready?

Get ready to start a new chapter of your life.

What Clients Say

“Before working with Sabrina, I was overwhelmed and anxious, struggling to balance life, work and caring responsibilities. I had a business idea but lacked the confidence and know-how to get started. The thought of planning and paperwork was paralysing.

Sabrina’s coaching changed my life. I’ve become organised, learned to prioritise, and created a clear plan for my business. The default diary we implemented keeps me focused, and I no longer fear paperwork. My anxiety has decreased, and my self-esteem has soared.

Sabrina gave me the tools and confidence to achieve my goals. I now feel empowered to build the life I want.” - Greer